by | 01/01/2015 4:45 PM
To say that the “Ropeshaft” Tempest was an unknown quantity upon its introduction to the American motoring public in the Fall of 1960 is likely an understatement. With its rear mounted transaxle and swing axle suspension, it handled unlike any other car available. To fully appreciate this, think of how the 1961 full-sized Pontiac with its conventional front engine/transmission and solid rear axle compared to a Tempest of the same year.
Upon confirming this in their “Hot Rodding the Compacts” book, Petersen Publishing revisited the subject a year later and offered some tips to improve upon the early Tempest suspension. The full article appears in the Performance Years Forum. As it contains valuable information for the “Ropeshaft” Tempest enthusiast, we are also attaching the article here.
“Tempest Suspension”, Ocee Ritch, Copyright Petersen Publications, Courtesy Performance Years Forum